You Deserve a Better Taco, Muchacho | Taco Intervention

Beans made from powder. Tacos covered in glowing orange cheese dust. For too long, we've suffered the shame of Tex-Mex injustice. Taco Bueno wanted to put an end to it. After all, they've been making fresh Tex-Mex before fresh was even fresh.

With the help of the Tex-Mex Ranger, we started avenging the injustice of inferior Tex-Mex. But he can't do it alone. So we asked the community to stage interventions of their own. Because you deserve Bueno.

Launching Commercial:

Art Director: Clay Coleman | Copywriters: Jordan Dontos & Larry Scott

Taco Intervention:

Through in-store and online efforts, we invited people to stage their own Taco Interventions and show their friends and family what real Tex-Mex should taste like.

Landing page for those wanting to give a Taco Intervention:

Share messaging page:

Landing page for the person receiving the Taco Intervention:

They then had a chance to stage their own intervention and in turn receive a second free taco:

Received 2nd place in "Most Effective Use of Social Media" from DFW Interactive Marketing Association.